Team Puzzle is a management and development tool used to support software develoment projects.

Team Puzzle and all of its source code are available for download here. Team Puzzle is licensed under the General Public License, and is thus both free and open source software. It is an integration tool to manage medium-size projects including versioning, automatic tests, project planning, bugtracking, etc. It is an extensible piece of software which allow you to integrate different tools that already exists like ant, clover, etc...
TeamPuzzle is a management and process support tool based on JBPM workflow framework . Inicially thought for Software Development Project Management, TeamPuzzle is a highly tailoring tool. It allows the establishment of processes, activities, artifacts, roles, etc. allowing extension of its functionality for any process organization.
Team Puzzle allows the creation of methodologies by xml configuration files, including roles, artifacts, activities, reports, metrics and process guidance.
Once a methodology is defined, it is possible to create the projects and assign users to the different roles. The users are taken from the corporate user directory (LDAP). Each Role will be able to create process artifacts (or elements) that he or she is authorized for and execute activities in order to transition different workflow status.
The solution is composed by three modules: Core, Web and Eclipse Plugin.
-The Core module includes all functionalities and exposes services to other modules.
-The Web module allows using the functionalities by using a web browser.
-The Plugin Eclipse allows using the functionalities from development environment.